Resources for Using WordPress
Understanding the Architecture of the Storied Landscapes websites
Digital Humanities Tools & Tutorials
COPLACDigital collection of tools (including media editing tools)
Bevver Co., “Google My Maps Tutorial” (2016)
Stephanie Lee, “Everything You Need to Shoot Good-Looking Video With Your iPhone” (2017)
Cornell Lab of Ornithology, “How to Record Bird Sounds With your Smartphone” (2016)
Fieldwork & Nature Writing Tools
Donna L. Long, “Keeping a Naturalist’s Field Journal” (2012)
Betsy Mason, “Beautiful Data: The Art of Science Field Notes” (2011)
Leonard Charles, et al., “Where You At? A Bioregional Quiz” (1981)
Peirce K. Lewis, “Axioms for Reading the Landscape: Some Guides to the American Scene” (1979)
Project-Building Tools & Forms
Workflow diagram for Storied Landscapes projects
Guidelines for Final Presentations